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 Oprah ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

++ La Escena - - - - - - - - - - -
     Candy Cushnip, personaje interpretado por Mariah Carey, es una cliente insatisfecha por el servicio ofrecido por parte de la compañía.
Oprah: Mariah Carey, Amy Grant, Aaron Neville are our special "Love" Guests today...singing love songs, you walked up there so calmly, were you ready, were you prepared, did you have a speech, were you nervous? Mariah: You thought I looked calm? Oprah: I thought you looked calm, yeah! Mariah: (laugh) I was so nervous, I was awake the entire night before because I had to perform, and in front of like, every major person in the industry, and I couldn't sleep, I was a nervous wreck, I did not have a speech planned because I didn't want to ginx it or anything, So, I just went up and I left out so many people, and I felt really bad, but, got through it. Oprah: But you can never get everybody, that's the truth. Mariah: Yeah Oprah: Because when you start naming names, (Like I know), -audience laugh- "Look I just sang with Aaron Neville, I'm ready... (all laugh).. Um, so, when you got home people said, "You didn't name me??" Mariah: uh-huh Oprah: Really? Mariah: It's like I was shocked and suprised, I forgot to thank my manager who is there with me every min. so, thanks Randy, I'm thanking you now. Oprah: So, let me ask you this.. Your octave range is from what to what? Mariah: I don't know, um, it's really, my mother is an opera singer, and a vocal coach, and she's always like, freaking out when I hit certain notes, you can't hit that, that's to high, how are you doing that?? But, I, I really don't know the exact range, people will speculate, I'm not sure.. Oprah: Ok, so like, earlier today when you were hitting that song, hitting that note, that "eeee", that part? (audience laughs) , I don't wanna hurt ya'll, by singing, did you know you were going to hit it, are there some nights were you wondering if your gonna get it? Mariah: Well, today, I woke up with a cold, and, I was so nervous that I wasn't going to be able to do it, so uh, I did it, (laugh) thank god and, (Audience applauds) Oprah: First of all, Mariah, Aaron has been around for, you know, 20 years, you are, 21, how are you handling this? I mean, Quintuple Platinum, mega bucks, contract deals. Mariah: (Laughs) It's, um, I guess it must be really hard for some people, to really stay grounded while your doing this, because um, having sucess at a young age, or any age can be overwhelming, but, my mother really helped me, um, taught me to believe in myself, and that this could happen for me and I just hoped and worked really hard for it even though it happened young, I, really, I worked really hard. Oprah: I heard that you always knew this is what you were gonna do tthis because you had 20 waitressing jobs.. Mariah: I said 20 once as an exaggeration, and like, some guy wrote it, now everybody says 20 , but actually I guess it was about, six. And, they um, weren't all waitressing, I, I coat checked, and hostess, and stuff like that. Oprah: Oh, great, but you always knew you were going to be a singer? Mariah: Yes. Oprah: Mariah, who's your mentor? Mariah: It's funny she would mention Carole King, because she was also one of the people that I looked up to, and, I had the honor of writing a song with her, from my new album, and I'll be singing it in a few mins. So... Oprah: Mariah, can I ask you this, and I ask you this for everybody else, not because I really care, this is the one thing I hear the most about you, min. (audience laughs), um, I fling my hair around, but they all say, --oh this is a white girl, she sound black, oh no it's a black girl, she isn't she's white, no she isn't, so.. what are you? Mariah: Um, my mother is irish, a person, first and foremost, my mother is irish, and, my father is venezuelan and black. Oprah: You all hear it here, would you please stop discussing this girls race. (audience laughs) Thank you. Human being first though, really. Oprah: When you go (to the grammies) Mariah, is it like, well, whatever happens. Mariah: Well, I've only been there once, and, as I said I was a nervous wreck the entire time , not because of the winning, mostly because I had to perform, as I said, in front of these people who are, amazing talented, and been in the business for years, and I was so nervous, so .. Oprah: Are you feeling better now , because you got your own now you think... Mariah: Oh, I mean it's an incredible honor, but I'm singing again this year on the Grammies, and I'm sure I"ll be just as nervous... Oprah: As I said before Mariah and Amy are both going to be singing at the awards, do you guys know what your wearing? It's a secret? That's what you say when your not sure.... (End of Mariah Interview)   Candy Cushnip: But it's the worst thing that could happen to me. It was awful. She promised me a partner, but it was a fraud.
  Pero fue lo peor que me podría haber pasado. Fue horrible. Ella me prometió una pareja, pero fue un fraude.

  Span: Ms. Cushnip, did you get dates through the defendant's service?
  Srta. Cushnip, ¿consiguió usted citas por medio del servicio de la acusada?

  Candy Cushnip: Oh yes, "dates," but not with men who could even remotely be partners. She peppers you with dates but then nothing ever works out. And then she blamed it on me. And that's what was so hurtful.
  Oh sí, "citas," pero no con hombres quienes podrían ser remotamente parejas. Ella te llena de citas pero a la final nada funciona. Y luego ella me culpó a mi. Y eso fue lo más doloroso.

  Span: You put in your video you liked the spotlight.
  Usted puso en su video que le gustaba ser el centro de atención.

  Candy Cushnip: Well, a lot of women like attention.
  Bueno, a muchas mujeres les gusta llamar la atención.

  Span: Yes, but you actually travel around with your very own technician and a spotlight don't you, Ms. Cushnip?
  Sí, pero usted de hecho viaja a todas partes con su propio técnico y un foco, ¿no es así, Srta. Cushnip?

  Candy Cushnip: It's an esteem device - that's all. A woman is prettier when she feels good about herself.
  Es un aparato para la estima - eso es todo. Una mujer es más bonitas cuando se siente mejor sobre sí misma.

  Span: I see you brought your technician with you here Todd - Ms. Cushnip, would you feel more comfortable he lit you up?
  Veo que usted trajo su técnico consigo, Todd - Srta. Cushnip, ¿se sentiría más cómoda si él la alumbrara a usted?

  Candy Cushnip: Maybe a little.
  Quizás un poco.

  Span: Go ahead, sir.
  Adelante, señor.

  Candy Cushnip: Much better. [Smiles and waves]
  Mucho mejor. [Sonríe y saluda]

OPRAH. 1992